Well, the first cycle was perfect. I took all my vitamins, ate right, took my temperature, checked my cervical mucus (CM), and my cervix... Every cough, sniffle, twinge, and cramp was documented. I took Clomid on cycle days 5-9, and on CD 18 I finally started to get eggwhite CM! (EWCM). So I began taking ovualtion predictor tests/kits (OPK's) on that day.

In previous years, I NEVER got even a faint line. Well, in order for an OPK to be POSITIVE, the line needs to be darker than the control line. Not just THERE. So while the line was faint, and that was a first, it doesn't mean I was going to O. (Ovulate.)
On CD 20 I felt pain in my left ovary. Actually, I had felt pain in that ovary for over a year. I always thought it was just normal pains associated with my (non-existant) cycle. In March 2009 I even went to see what was wrong with leftie, but Dr. S didn't think I should worry. So when there was quite a bit of pain in leftie that day, I was hopeful that ovulation was about to happen!
BUT - I had a marked amount of pain during sex. It was NOT normal. I tend to have a higher pain tolerance, so it wasn't crippling like everyone says a cyst is. But when I woke up on CD 21 I felt a different, "gassy" kind of pain on my left side. It was throbbing, and literally I figured some gas-X would help. I was worried.
So I called Dr. S to schedule an ultrasound for that day. I had been trying to get an ultrasound for a LONG time, and when I mentioned my pain, he scheduled me right away.
Let me tell you, VAGINAL ultrasounds are highly uncomfortable. You'd think they'd make the stick they have to put in there SMALLER than a giant dildo - but no. Then they swirl it around left and right and push it up against your ovaries...which...in my case...at this point...did NOT feel good.
The ultrasound tech said I had "fluid" behind my uterus. Apparently, the area behind the uterus is the MOST dependent variable. I was like..."Okay, what the heck does that mean?" Well, it means that if there is fluid behind the uterus, you ovulated!
However, there was a LOT behind my uterus. An abnormal amount. That usually means a cyst has ruptured. So talking to the doctor, he thinks that is what may have happened. Thankfully, my ovaries looked completely normal though! Just some undeveloped eggs (follicles/follies) and no cysts.
So I continued to take my temperature, and it SLOWLY rose. I will never know if that cyst contained an egg or not - but I learned that even if a cyst ruptures, my temperature can rise. From my chart you can see that it DID rise...but not by much.
As always, we all think regular leuteal phase symptoms are actually us being pregnant. Well...I was hungry ALL THE TIME!!! And my boobs were killing me! But of course, Aunt Flo (AF) started and onto the next cycle!